Friday, February 1, 2013


Imagine if I was actually good at triathlon!  This blog would be so dull!  What would I even write?  I suppose something like this...

Did my usual 28 mile ride yesterday.  Had no problem maintaining 20 mph, despite a pretty nasty headwind. In light of that, and the fact that since I adjusted my own cycling shoes they have given me no issues, I had a great ride that involved no emotional breakdown or tears.  I killed it on all the hills.  After all, they are only Cat 5 climbs!  I laugh in the face of Cat 5's!  Hahahahahahahaha!

Today I did a 15 mile trail run during which I fueled extremely effectively and did not get tired and drag ass for the last 5 miles.  Also I did not fall down on said trail run, and thus I have no bruises on my knees or scabs on my face.

I sure love cycling and I am getting better every day!  My father does not cycle twice as far at a stretch and still average about 3 mph faster than I.  No sir!

There is no doubt that I am more than sufficiently prepared for both my upcoming 55 mile ride and my first marathon!

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