Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I was supposed to fly to Seattle to visit my sister and niece and nephew yesterday, but once again, flights filled up.  What's a girl who flies stand-by to do when she can't get to Seattle?  Fly to Minneapolis of course!

Okay let me explain.  I had only managed to get in my scheduled swim, not my scheduled trainer ride before my flight to Seattle.  Then it turned out that all the flights to Seattle were full.  I was already stressed because of the missed workout (Noticing a theme?  Get used to it.  I suspect there is a lot of it in my future.) and now I was facing a full day in the airport trying to get on full flights, which likely would still not result in me getting to Seattle anyway.  So I decided to push back my trip to Seattle by a day, since the following day (today) oddly all of the flights had plenty of empty seats.  With that decision made, I now had the whole day free, so I got in my trainer ride.

Meanwhile, Karin had planned to fly to Minneapolis to meet her mom for a Twins game, then fly back in the morning.  So at the last minute I decided to go with her.  So before I decided to push back my trip to Seattle I was super stressed because I felt like I was never able to accomplish everything I needed, and planned, to do (like get in all my workouts).  Then I pushed back Seattle and got in a workout and a trip to a Minnesota Twins game.  And suddenly I was stress free!  To recap: I was stressed because I felt over-scheduled, then by adding 2 more things to my schedule, I suddenly became stress-free!  Figure that one out!

And now I am in Seattle.  In the past 48 hours I have been in Vegas, Phoenix, Minneapolis and Seattle, and managed to get in a swim a bike and a run.  So maybe the problem all along is that I have been under-scheduled!  I have not been spreading myself too thin after all.  Apparently I just wasn't spreading myself thin enough!

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