Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A new toy for long ride fuel

I have become obsessed with Nutella/banana sandwiches as the ideal mid-ride food.  The problem is, if you stick a Nutella/banana sandwich in a baggie then squish it into the tiny bag on the cross-bar of your bike, along with your cell phone and assorted other snacks, when you pull it out 2 hours into your ride, it is a mess.

That is where this comes in:

I feel like these were all the rage when they came out, what, 15 years ago?  It was like, "Oooh, I can make a grilled cheese sandwich in 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes!"  It seemed a bit over-rated to me.  But, since my goal is to have a sandwich that is sealed around the edges so it doesn't fall apart on a long ride, suddenly this $9.97 investment seems worthwhile.

I tested it out with a peanut butter and jelly concoction (another pre-, post- and during-ride favorite).

The PB&J was delicious.  Then came the real test.  I made a Nutella/banana sandwich for my 80 mile ride yesterday.

It turned out great and I was super excited to eat it during my ride.  In fact I was looking forward to it for 35 miles.  When I finally got my mid-ride break and pulled it out

THIS is what I found.

A sandwich in a baggie full of leaked Nutella.  I mean, it still tasted good, but what a mess.  I had to hold one clean corner of the sandwich and pretty much dangle it in front of my mouth to take a bite.

Final result: Not the best use of my $9.97.

(Still, a heck of a lot cheaper than my new $145 saddle!  More on that later.)

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