Friday, August 16, 2013

Biking and swimming and stressing Oh My!

I would estimate that the ratio of time spent actually training to time spent reading about bikes and the forums on the internet lately is about 1 to 4.  I have been trolling Craigslist incessantly which has led me to spend a lot of time on bike brand websites comparing details and prices.  After my reunion with Dale last night I wanted to research that particular model a bit more.  It is a Cannondale 3.0 Aluminum R400, which from previous superficial research I assumed to be a 2003 model.  Well today I finally put all the pieces together and it turns out my beloved Dale is a 1993 model!  That's right; not a 10 year old bike!  A 20 year old bike!  Imagine dating a 20 year old and suddenly one day discovering you have been dating a 30 year old the whole time!  It turns out the 3.0 Aluminum frame was "revolutionary" and "way ahead of it's time," but what concerns me more is that the components (shifters, brakes, etc.) are 20 years old!  They are all original!  This is incredibly ironic as in all my bike shopping I have not even considered a bike with components lower than the Shimano 105 (basically the mid-high level), yet I have been riding a bike with 20 year old components!  The technology of these components has come so far that even the highest level components of 7 years ago are equal to today's mid-level!  Which means:  Even the worst components, at which I have consistently snubbed my nose, are better than what I have been riding!

So that's today's bike news.

In swimming news...

Upon returning from the pool last night I immediately logged onto the forum on and asked my fellow cyber triathletes:

A few months into my base training for IM I swam a pace of 2:20 per 100 yards. That was my "comfortable, all day" pace. Tonight, 8 MONTHS LATER, I swam 2.4 miles at a 2:20 per 100 yd pace. WTF?! I have been swimming 3-4 times a week most weeks during that time. Started at 1200-1500 yards 3-4 times a week, now swim about 2200-2500 a session 3 times a week. I have watched a tone of videos and read a ton of tips. I have done drills. Almost all my sessions are interval training. So here is my quandary: IMAZ is in 3 months. With NO IMPROVEMENT in 8 months it seems I may as well swim just enough to maintain my comfort in the water, and spend the extra free time on the bike. Or should I try to do longer (3000-3500 yd) interval sessions 3 or even 4 times a week and see if that finally yields speed results?

I will spare you the details of the responses but the gist of it boils down to the following:

1. Your technique is flawed
2. Your technique is flawed
3. Your technique is flawed
4. There is no way you could swim that slow and not show any improvement unless your technique is flawed.
5. You have to swim more yards each week and push yourself harder during each interval.  (You should leave the pool feeling like your arms are going to fall off)

In light of this overwhelming consensus I have decided I will:

1. Increase my workouts to 3500 yards 3 x week
2. Swim harder than I have been till it feels like my arms will fall off
3. Strongly consider at least a couple sessions with a private swim coach 

The last option is not cheap, but it will definitely be worth it.

In the mean time, my training this week has been a joke.  Pathetic.  I need to get off this computer and on to my bike trainer!  I am spending soooo much time stressing over bikes and swim coaches.  Regardless of skill or technique, hours on the internet will not lead to improvement.  My head is swimming from all the information I have gleaned in my hours and hours of internet searches.  It is clearly an avoidance technique.  

And it ends now!

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