Thursday, August 1, 2013


As of 2 p.m. today I do not return to work at the airport until September 2nd!  I am taking off the whole month and spending most of it in San Diego!  Karin's sister and her fiance live there, and they are unbelievably ridiculously kind and laid-back enough to let us stay with them for most of the month!

It is not unusual for Karin and I to take a whole month off.  In fact we do it every year, usually in the fall.  But this year fall will be a little busy (Peak Ironman training!).  And we usually spend the month off somewhere exotic: Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, name a few.  But Africa and India are not particularly conducive to Ironman training.  Thus we have opted to take our month off earlier than usual, during the worst month of the year in Phoenix, for both working and training.  It will be such a luxury to have nothing on my schedule but training!  The tricky part will be keeping myself from over-training, because if that is all I am doing, I will feel like I should be doing it all the time.  Just because my schedule will allow me to ride 60 miles and run 15 and go for a swim every day doesn't mean my body will.

On August 31st Karin and I are doing a triathlon in Hudson, Wisconsin, which is where her mom lives, and close to her where her brother and his 3 kids live.  So Karin and I will both be training this month in San Diego!

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