Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 days till Ironman!

True to form, even 3 days before the Ironman I am tweaking my schedule rather than doing the training exactly as planned!

Remember this?  No?  My training log from DECEMBER! I haven't changed a bit!
I planned to do a 45 minute ride yesterday, but I had to adjust the height of my bike seat (I noticed an issue on Monday's ride) and change out my back tire for a new one (the other one was worn) and riding around the neighborhood testing the adjustments took so long that I couldn't get in a real ride before dark.  I didn't want to put the brand new tire on the trainer, because that wears down tires and is the whole reason I got a new one at all.  So I changed tomorrow's planned 20 min. ride + 15 min. run to a 30 min. ride + 10 mile run.  But I did tonight's 3 mile run with a couple faster portions as planned.  I know it was only 3 miles, but my "easy" pace was under 9 min./mile, when it used to be 10 min./mile!  And picking it up to 8 minute miles for a few minutes at a time wasn't even a big effort!  I FEEL SO READY!

Here I am heading out for my last run before Ironman!
Today I went down to the venue just to scope out the possibilities for Karin to set up a "base camp" for spectating.

Reconnaissance photo.  All this prime spectating real estate up
for grabs...but it's first come first served!

I am not checking in until tomorrow.  I can't wait!  there were so many people walking around with the Ironman backpacks, and walking their fancy bikes, and doing tune up runs!  I got out of the car, saw someone with an Ironman backpack on, and immediately teared up!

So you can imagine what happened when I saw THIS:

TOWARD FOR A YEAR!  (And YES, I am crying while I type this.)

As I walked around the "Ironman Village" I could barely contain myself!  Last year when I volunteered, as I walked around the village, filled with tanned, toned Ironman athletes I thought, "Next year I will be one of you."  And now it is here!!!!

Closing entire streets just for me! (Okay, me and 2800 others.)

2 days from now this will be completely filled with bikes!

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