Monday, January 14, 2013


So that thing where I post my planned training schedule for the upcoming week?  Yeah...I probably won't do that anymore.  At the end of the week it's just embarrassing, and that just gets awkward for all of us.  Training sessions are like hitchhiking alone in South Africa or registering for an Ironman--best not discussed until it is already done.  So, I trust we are all on the same page here--no need to discuss last week's projected training, right?  Bygones!  Water under the bridge!

Moving on...I am sick.  I assume I have the flu, because according to the news everyone in America has the flu right now.  I am sure you can imagine how an endurance athlete in training for multiple events, who already feels behind in her training, is reacting to being too sick to train.  Being on the 6-WEEK marathon training plan (a borderline ridiculous concept to begin with) does not allow time to get sick!  Just like those overweight people for whom every Monday is the beginning of a diet, I often feel like every Monday is the real beginning of my training.  Like this is the week I will be consistent and hit all my training goals.  Thus every week dawns with that misguided-yet-undeterred expectation; except this week.  Because this week I am sick.  I can't even go to work, much less workout.  Whether or not I accomplish my specific weekly training goals, one thing I don't do is sit around a lot.  And what does a sick person do?  That's right, sit around a lot.  I am not good at being sick and sitting around.

I can only hope that this forced rest will allow my body to come back strong and ready to perform.  I hope so, because next week, I am sure, is the week when my training is really going to get in gear. 

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